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Framework Planning: A Data-Driven Approach to Aligned Decision-Making

Framework Planning
UC Hastings Framework Plan

In today's rapidly evolving world, organizations face the challenge of making decisions that are not only immediate and tactical, but also aligned with their long-term vision. This is where Framework Planning comes into play—a strategic method that provides a cohesive, data-driven structure for decision-making. By embracing a framework, organizations ensure that every piece of the planning, design, and the implementation effort is in sync with broader goals, leading to more informed and successful outcomes.

What is Framework Planning?

At its core, a framework is a structured approach to decision-making. Unlike ad-hoc planning or reactive strategies, a framework establishes clear guidelines that guide actions and decisions. It uses data and analysis as its foundation, ensuring that decisions are not just based on a gut feeling or short-term needs, but are aligned with an organization’s long-term vision and goals.

A well-developed framework is comprehensive, meaning it touches all aspects of an organization’s operations. From setting priorities in resource allocation to determining project timelines and evaluating risks, framework planning integrates all of these elements into a unified, purposeful strategy. 

Framework Planning OUSD, MKThink

Why is Framework Planning Important?

In a world where strategic alignment and data-driven decisions are critical to success, framework planning offers organizations a powerful tool for strategically solving their challenges.

  1. Alignment with Broader GoalsA framework provides clarity and consistency. Every step in the planning and implementation process aligns with the overarching objectives of the organization. This ensures that all efforts, big and small, contribute to achieving long-term aspirations rather than being isolated projects with little relation to the organization’s broader mission.

  2. Data-Driven Decision-MakingIn today’s data-rich environment, decisions based on intuition alone are increasingly risky. Frameworks rely on robust data, enabling organizations to evaluate scenarios more effectively, understand the potential impacts of decisions, and choose the optimal path forward. This approach not only minimizes risks but also enhances the potential for achieving desired outcomes.

  3. Consistency Across ProjectsWithout a cohesive strategy, different projects and departments within an organization can easily drift in different directions. A framework ensures that every team is on the same page, working towards a shared set of priorities. This eliminates confusion and creates harmony across various initiatives, making the entire organization more efficient.

  4. Flexibility with StructureWhile a framework provides structure, it is not rigid. It is designed to be adaptable and responsive to new data, emerging trends, and evolving organizational needs. By establishing a baseline, organizations can make adjustments when necessary while still maintaining alignment with their core goals.

Framework Planning, MKThink
University of Hawaii Manoa Framework

How Does Framework Planning Work?

Framework planning begins with understanding the organization’s vision and goals. This step is crucial as it ensures the foundation of the framework is rooted in the right priorities. From there, data is collected and analyzed to understand the current state of the organization, identify potential challenges, and highlight opportunities for growth.

Once the data has been gathered, a structured framework is developed. This framework outlines the steps needed to achieve the organization's goals, identifies the resources required, and provides guidance on how to handle unexpected challenges. Crucially, the framework also establishes measurable metrics so that progress can be tracked over time.

After the framework is in place, it guides every subsequent decision, from day-to-day operations to long-term strategic moves. Teams use the framework to ensure they remain aligned with the organization's goals, referring back to it whenever they face significant decisions.

Examples of MKThink’s Framework Planning 

The University of Hawaii at Manoa, the largest campus in the Hawaiian Islands, set out to transform its traditional, colonial-era campus into a Native Hawaiian Place of Learning while managing the challenges of expanding enrollment within its financial and spatial limitations. MKThink crafted a transformative design framework driven by spatial data and extensive engagement with the campus community. By analyzing campus usage patterns, space utilization, and building conditions, the plan uncovered ways to boost the existing campus's effective capacity while supporting a 10% increase in enrollment, particularly focusing on Native Hawaiian students. Over the next 20 years, the University can also reduce its campus footprint by 1,000,000 square feet without compromising enrollment goals. This approach, centered on optimizing and reactivating both indoor and outdoor spaces, enabled UH Manoa to sidestep over $600 million in new construction costs and reduce its deferred maintenance backlog by $150 million. Since implementing this framework, classroom utilization has risen from 17 to 30 hours per week, and administrative space efficiency has improved by 64%.

Faced with a growing student population and aging, overcrowded infrastructure, North Monterey Unified School District lacked the budget to build its way out of the challenges. That’s why MKThink's "build less, solve more" approach resonated with the district. MKThink assisted in developing education specifications and a facilities framework that prioritized reconfiguring and optimizing existing spaces and operations to meet both immediate and long-term needs. This plan set the stage for a new phase of planning and design focused on realigning campuses, reimagining outdoor spaces, creating flexible, STEM-ready classrooms, and alleviating overcrowding.

After a decade of stable enrollment, the Oakland Unified School District, serving 37,000 students, has shifted its focus from crisis management to long-term, strategic improvements that benefit the local community. With MKThink’s guidance, the District developed an ambitious Facilities Master Plan that emphasizes enhancing Learning Outcomes, Community Strength, and Resilient Environments. By addressing critical areas such as Building Systems, Seismic Safety, Educational Adequacy, and Fire Safety, the District outlined a $3.4 billion project list spanning 108 campuses. This comprehensive plan garnered strong community support, evidenced by the 78% voter approval of Measure Y, a $735 million construction bond to fund the first phase of the Master Plan. Through this partnership, Oakland Unified is poised to create safer, more resilient, and equitable learning environments for all students.

Would your organization benefit from framework planning? Contact us to learn more. 


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