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What? Why?
You may notice me hanging out around San Francisco’s during the latest COVID-19 surge. I have been at the San Francisco Zoo, Stanford...
Going Back to the Office: Embracing "Kick-Ass!"
Linkedin recently published 20 Big Ideas that will shape the world in 2021. One of those ideas was that in order for people to go back to...
Keeping People in Their Homes: Fannie Mae's National Energy Efficiency Research
Fannie Mae has been looking for innovative ways to keep people in their homes. From educational programs to homeowner friendly financial...
Why Embed in a Philippine Desert Forward Operating Base?
Because Saving Realized Energy Saves Lives: A study between 2006-2009 estimated that 1 in 9 casualties in the war in Afghanistan occurred...
Lunch in the Hallway?
Corridors, balconies, elevator lobbies, and staircases function more than mere circulation – at least at the Golden Gate University’s 536...
Computer Vision System With Physical Security Coaching
Patent No.: US 10,841,498 B1 Date of Patent: *Nov. 17, 2020 You Can Access The Full Patent Publication Here:
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