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Worth The Investment: Analytic Intelligence to Prioritize Projects That Matter

Fostering Success and Resilience: Major Investments in K-12 Public Schools


The State of Hawaii legislature prioritized enhancing educational success and community resilience through significant capital and operational investments in the K-12 public school system. These investments focus on optimizing expenditures by prioritizing impactful projects. The HI-FIT and HI-KIT projects support these goals by implementing a foundational technological solution that swiftly assesses campus facilities and kitchens, identifies urgent needs and inefficiencies, and ensures that all appropriated funds directly contribute to educational and nutritional outcomes. By streamlining the evaluation and funding processes, these projects have transformed HIDOE’s approach to facility management and rapid improvement project implementation. It has also led to other projects across the state with similar system-level process optimization goals, including the development of additional Pre-K programs for the Hawaii School Facilities Authority.


State of Hawaii




2018 - Present




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