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Golden Gate University


Student-centered optimization of a five-acre urban campus

MKThink conducted a needs assessment that inventoried physical space, studied classroom utilization and occupancy, examined scheduling, evaluated administrative office configurations, and administered school-wide surveys. Golden Gate University asked, how they might optimize their five-acre campus with improved space utilization without compromise to the student experience. MKThink responded by realigning the university’s One University campus plan from 2015 with present-day and future academic goals. Through online collaboration software, MKThink conducted remote workshops to refresh student, instructional, and operational needs. University-wide surveys, course-and-classroom utilization analysis, and scheduling models validated user requirements and the efficacy of the resulting space plan. The assessment led to a 20% reduction of the campus footprint and a space cost allocation model that maintain all the unique and universal student needs. Strategic use of libraries and event spaces as well as introduction of contemporary pedagogical or workplace strategies made the optimization feasible.


DATES: 2012-2015, 2020
CITY: San Francisco
STATE: California
SIZE/SCALE: 270,000
MARKET: Higher Education


CHALLENGE: Golden Gate University engaged MKThink to reevaluate and update its master plan to support its One University initiative to unify its business and law programs and foster cross- disciplinary interaction. Specifically, in 2020, Golden Gate University wanted to capitalize on unprecedented times to accelerate long-term campus planning goals within a fiscally sustainable framework.
SERVICES: Visioning, Master Planning Programming, Space Planning Utilization Study, Occupancy Study, and Change Management.
RESULT: Informed by their assessment, MKThink designed a building layout organized around a central hub with logically organized zones of activity. The building program right-sized classrooms to align with enrollment and pedagogy and defined ideal adjacencies and space standards for faculty and administrative offices, all fit within the current facility at minimal cost.
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