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Less Ideal Learning Environments: Elevated Levels of CO2
The Mass Media released a recent article that analyzes safety in learning environments. A recent study has been made in Oxford Brookes...

How to Apply Wellness in Design Strategies for Education Facilities
Facility Executive released a recent article about wellness and education facilities. The pandemic has shown, more than ever, the great...

Planning Learning Spaces: How to Rethink Classroom Space Utilization for Better Learning Outcomes
Fe News released a recent article that illustrates how Trumpington Park Primary School, part of Cambridge Primary Education Trust, has...

Creating healthy learning environments with active design
BDC Network shared some interesting ideas in a recent article about learning environments. How to create a healthy learning environment...

How to optimize environments for better learning
There are numerous factors that can influence the quality of our learning. InformEd by Open Colleges released an article that shares how...

Penrhos College challenges classical educational spaces by investing in innovative design
Learning environments are places in which creativity and innovation must be at the center. A recent article in Business Wire looks at how...

Education: Studies show how much work needs to be done to get our kids back on track in California
A recent study by Edsource gathering data from 84% of schools in California shows that we still have a ways to go to get everyone back in...
Learning From the 'New Home School'
Parents are going crazy with kids at home. But maybe a Compassionate Leave Policy could reframe the experience to something more...
Pioneering Schools without Campuses: Let the Cities Speak
A few years back, MKThink connected with the founding group of educators at the Minerva School (established 2012). With the (education)...

Outdoor Learning for the Complete Child - Hillbrook School
Hillbrook School was founded in 1933 on the belief that the environment rather than genetics raises the child. While working on a campus...

Covid 19 Response: Success in Action - North Monterey County
When North Monterey County Unified School District (NMCUSD) was forced to suspend its in-person learning along with the rest of the...
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