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Stanford Children's Health


Treatment capacity for an internationally renowned children’s hospital

Internationally renowned Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital had outgrown its facility and needed to increase its capacity by 12% in the 15-year interim until the construction of a new facility was complete. MKThink conducted a 22-month facility assessment that inventoried and classified square footage allocations by function, documented usage, and measured occupancy and utilization. The study identified underutilized spaces and areas for non-critical functions to repurpose for medical use. Informed by these findings, MKThink devised a strategy that right-sized rooms, increased occupancy and utilization, and relocated administrative operations off-site. The MKThink strategy captured the needed 30,000 SF in capacity, increasing space for direct patient care by 19% and workspace for staff by 32% without additional square footage.


DATES: 2007-2008
CITY: Stanford
STATE: California
SIZE/SCALE: 249,449 SF
MARKET: Institutional (Health)
SERVICES: Data Collection, Facilities Assessment, Scenario Modeling, Asset Management, and Facilities Planning.


CHALLENGE: Internationally renowned Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital had outgrown its facility and needed to increase its capacity by 12% in the 15-year interim until the construction of a new facility was complete.
APPROACH: MKThink conducted a 22-month facility assessment that inventoried and classified square footage allocations by function, documented usage, and measured occupancy and utilization. The study identified underutilized spaces and areas for non-critical functions to repurpose for medical use. Informed by these findings, MKThink devised a strategy that right-sized rooms, increased occupancy and utilization, and relocated administrative operations off-site.
RESULT: The MKThink strategy captured the needed 30,000 SF in capacity, increasing space for direct patient care by 19% and workspace for staff by 32% without additional square footage.
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