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Hawaii Department of Education
Data-driven solutions state-wide asset management
MKThink, in partnership with RoundhouseOne, is leading an asset management project called HI-FIT (Hawai‘i Facilities Inspection Tool) to capture the current condition of school indoor and outdoor campus conditions to improve prioritization of assessments and construction. Data captured on indoor and outdoor campus conditions are shared on the HI-FIT website so stakeholders have a transparent window to the public schools in Hawai‘i. Interviews with school leadership are also conducted to capture the history and concerns of the schools.
Dates: 2019-Present
CITY: Statewide
STATE: Hawaii
SIZE/SCALE: 275 Schools
SERVICES: Research, Survey, Strategic Planning Innovation, and Asset Management.
CHALLENGE: The Hawai'i Department of Education (HIDOE) faces the challenge of managing a $900MM repair and maintenance (R&M) backlog with items dating back over 15 years.
APPROACH: Use HI-FIT to capture the current condition of school indoor and outdoor campus conditions to improve prioritization of assessments and construction. To consider history and school concerns, MKThink conducted interviews with school leadership and engaged stakeholders.
RESULT: The HI-FIT project is a tool for prioritization of project backlog in addition to updating asset data, location data, upcoming initiatives, detailed assessments, and project delivery methods for HIDOE.
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